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Found 65 results. Showing 46-60

Casetta Barolo Docg 2013 14%, 75cl

Brilliant ruby red colour with garnet highlights Full and intense bouquet, with withered flowers and dark red fruit overtones. On the palate is dry, but velvety, full and harmonious, very persistent Wine with structure capable of withstanding well over the years. 
Price: 29.80 €

La Caduta Rosso di Montalcino DOC 2022 13,5% 75cl

Wine produced only across the better vintages with a careful selection of the grapes from the La Caduta vineyard, located at 300 m above sea level, west area of the Borough of Montalcino, with South-West exposure and loose shale-sandy soil rich in skeletal material. COLOUR: deep ruby red. BOUQUET...
Price: 29.80 €

Concura Primitivo di Manduria 2019 75cl, 14,5%

Intense ruby red colour, wide and complex to the nose, fruity, with a prune and cherry jam aroma, with notes of tobacco, slightly spicy. A full-bodied wine, soft and rich in fine tannins, with notes of cocoa, coffee and vanilla in the end.
Price: 29.80 €

Josephine de Boyd Margaux 2015 14,5% 75cl

Chateau Boyd-Cantenac Josephine De Boyd Margaux exhibits a deep plum/purple color, elevated tannins and a more masculine style than most vintages. Good weight and purity along with hints of licorice, underbrush, black currants and subtle smoky oak are found in this firm effort.
Price: 38.80 €

Chateauneuf du Pape Les Hauts des Coteaux 2019 75cl, 15,5%

Les Hauts des Coteaux is made from a selection of 50 years-old Grenache vines, on sloping parcels with low yields. It confers to the finished wine intensity and aromatic complexity as well as full-bodied tannins. The oak-ageing brings distinguished toasted aromas along with vanilla and liquorice not...
Price: 44.80 €


Hea hinna ja kvaliteedi suhtega valged Vana Maailma erinevatest piirkondadest. Veinid on kerged ja ilusalt puuviljased.
Discount price: 50.09 €


Hea hinna ja kvaliteedi suhtega Bordeaux appellatsiooni veinid. Veinid on pehmed ja ilusalt puuviljased.
Price: 54.26 €

Claude Thorin Cognac de Grande Champagne VSOP karbis 40% 70cl

This cognac is the result of a blend of many cognacs. It's a round cognac with subtle aromas of orange blossom, grapes and vanilla.
Price: 55.80 €

Champagne Nicolas Maillart Premier Cru Platine 75cl 12,5%

Kõrge Pinot Noir osakaal annab rikkalikkuse ja maitsete sügavuse. Veini valmistamisel kasutatakse vaid Grand Cru ja Premier Cru viinamarju ning põhiveinile on lisatud 37% “Reserve” veine. Dosage 6g/L. Intensiivne ja kompleksne aroom, milles on tunda erinevaid puuvilju,...
Price: 55.80 €


Hea hinnaga kvaliteetveinid Itaaliast. Veinid on soojad, pehmed ja ilusalt puuviljased.
Price: 58.20 €

Rosapasso 12% 75cl 6 pack + stylish ICE BAG

Väga rikkalik, mineraalne ning savine pinnas võimaldab toota väga delikaatset ja komplekset roosat Pinot Nerot.  Ilus lõheroosa värvus. Elegantne, värske ja ilusalt puuviljane vein. Aroomi- ja maitsebuketis on tunda maasikat ja kirssi. Maitse on pehme ja harmoo...
Price: 59.88 €

Champagne Nicolas Maillart Premier Cru Rose 75cl

Ilus lõheroosa värvus. Intensiivne aroom, milles on tunda ilusat puuvilja. Maitse on puhas, sügav, mineraalne ja uskumatult elegantne. Ilus mull ja pikk järelmaitse. Wine Spectator 92 punkti; John Gilman 93 punkti.
Price: 64.80 €


Hea hinna ja kvaliteediga valged veinid Vana Maailma erinevatest piirkondadest
Discount price: 69.73 €


Meie klientide lemmikud, hea hinna ja kvaliteedi suhtega punased veinid Itaalia erinevatest piirkondadest. Veine iseloomustab soojus, pehme tanniin ja ilus puuviljasus.
Discount price: 70.63 €


Kompaktne kast mullisõpradele. Meie parimad Proseccod ja šampanja meetodil valmistatud Cremant'd.
Price: 89.16 €
