Found 84 results. Showing 31-45
Cornarea Roero Arneis 2021 14% 37,5cl
Väga elegantne vein. Aroomi- ja maitsebuketis: valged lilled, pirn, virsik, ananass ja passionvili. Täidlane ja harmooniline maitse. Järelmaitse mineraalne. Aperatiiv, külmad ja kuumad eelroad, risotto köögiviljade ja parmesaniga, pasta pesto või seentega, juustu...
13.48 €
Casato di Melzi Solepasso Puglia Passito IGT 2022 15,5% 75cl
Täidlane, pehme, soe ja sametine vein. Aroomis ja maitses punased ja mustad marjad ning ploom. Ilus pikk, järelmaitse.
13.80 €
Biscardo Rosapasso 2023 12% 75cl in ice bag
Väga rikkalik, mineraalne ning savine pinnas võimaldab toota väga delikaatset ja komplekset roosat Pinot Nerot. Ilus lõheroosa värvus. Elegantne, värske ja ilusalt puuviljane vein. Aroomi- ja maitsebuketis on tunda maasikat ja kirssi. Maitse on pehme ja harmoo...
13.88 €
A6Mani Primitivo di Manduria 2022 14%, 75cl
Ruby red, enriched with violet reflections; generous perfum, which recalls ripe cherries and plums, with pleasant notes of cocoa and vanilla. This wine has a velvety texture, softened by the warmth of the Primitivo, and ends with notes of persistent sweetness.
14.80 €
Casetta Langhe Favorita DOC 2022 12,5% 75cl
Ilus õlgkollane värvus. Intensiivne aroom, milles on tunda lilli ja puuvilju. Maitse on kuiv, elegantne ja hästi tasakaalus. Sobivus: aperatiiv, eelroad, kalaroad, mereannid, valge liha, pasta, risotto, pizza. Serv.temp 10`C
15.48 €
Boscaini Carlo Valpolicella Classico Doc Superiore Ripasso La Preosa 2019 13,5% 75cl
Already an intense cherry red, the colour of this wine deepens with maturity. Deliciously spicy on the nose with a sweeter vanilla afternote and a lovely robust fruity finish. A well structured wine.
15.80 €
Lunae Bosoni Colli de Luni Mearosa 2021 12,5% 75cl
The colour is pomegranate pink, intense and vivid. The aroma is refined with great elegance, characterised by notes of red fruits like cherry and wild strawberries and subtle hints of spices. On the palate, it is enveloping and soft; the sensations on the nose are confirmed, enriched with freshness ...
Discount price:
15.84 €
Casetta Langhe Doc Nebbiolo 2020 13% 75cl
Brilliant red colour with varying intensity, tending to garnet with time Intense bouquet with withered flowers and wild fruit, In the mouth it is warm, velvety, rich in aromas. Well-balanced and lingering
16.80 €
Ottella Gemei Lugana Doc 2021 14% 75cl
Väga rikkalik ja põnev vein Luganast.Valmistatud peamiselt Corvina Veronese viinamarjast. Maitses ilus küps puuvili ja sametine järelmaitse.Enne serveerimist 0,5 tundi õhutada!Serv.temp 16`C
16.80 €
Casetta Mumplin Roero Arneis 2022 13% 75cl
Vineyard location: medium-high hillside (200-300m asl)
with south-ouest exposure, in the district of Canale
The soil of ancient time, characterized by 'The Rocche', is friable, sandy and ochred colour. The Astiane marls - of Pilocene age - are
an excellent enviroment to produce full...
16.80 €
Borgo Scopeto Chianti Classico D.O.C.G. 2022 75cl, 13,5%
Wine of great tradition coming from the Fornacino, Misciano, Vittoria and Cagliano vines.
COLOUR: dark ruby red. BOUQUET: full and intense but at the same time sweet and fruity, with hints of black soft fruit. Pleasant overtone of noble wood, vanilla and cocoa and a surprising cherry finish. FLAV...
17.80 €
Casetta Gavi di Gavi DOCG 2023 12,5% 75cl
The Gavi wine is describe by experts as being a gem among wine from Piemonte. Its land of origin is in a little area against the Ligurian Appennines.
Straw-yellow colour with greenish highlights Intense bouquet with hint of flowers, lemon It has a nice dry taste, full, well-balanced and elegant&n...
18.80 €
Barbanera Alchymia Primitivo 2021 14,5%, 75cl
"Alchimia" is deep and intense red in colour with purple hues. The warm and enveloping bouquet has the predominance of ripe red fruits scents such as cherry and black cherry even if it preserve the strong perception of sweet spices. Primitivo is a full-bodied wine with its harmonious textu...
18.80 €
Barbanera Promessa Primitivo 2021 14,5% 75cl
Intensiivne rubiinpunane värvus. Aroomi ja maitsebuketis on küpseid puuvilju ja musta kirssi. Maitse on täidlane, soe, sametine ja pehme.
18.80 €
Zibibbo Vendimmia Tardiva 13,5% 50cl
Väga elegantne dessertvein Sitsiiliast. Täiesti võrreldav hea Sauternes'ga! Ilus puhas magusus. Kuldne värvus. Aroomis magus tsitrus. Maitses mesi ja küpsed puuviljad. Sobivus: puuvilja magustoidud, pooküpsed ja ürdijuustud, Foie Gras juurde või Isesei...
18.80 €